2023 is all about taking a new approach to self growth. I want to push my limits and do things that initially sound awful but I know are ultimately good for me. It’s the “eat your vegetables” or “go to the gym” approach. Something about routine stresses me out. I like going with the flow and being untethered to concrete plans, and while that approach is fun, it isn’t very intentional or effective in developing good habits.
- Prioritize my personal goals and ambitions: As an enneagram 2, I am so focused on helping people. Not in a “let me give you a hand” kind of way, but in a “let me drop everything I’m doing to help every single person who asks me for anything” way, which is obviously not healthy. I want to remind myself that I’m not a bad person for saying no to some things. And my wildest dreams are something that I’m allowed to chase!
- Develop routines: I find routines to be suffocating, but regular exercise and cooking have obvious benefits that are important to self growth. I want to work out 3-4 times a week and eat balanced meals. I want a hair and skin care routine. The goal here it to enjoy some level of routine, not just tolerate it.
- Meaningful work: I want to be intentional with my time at work. Focus has never come easy to me. I, like many others, tell myself I “thrive in chaos” but realistically I know some real boundaries and dedicated focus time would be beneficial to my work. I also want to be more proactive about what I want to do next. I love doing what I do and any movement feels daunting because of the unknown and the state of the economy, but I want to do what’s best for me.
- Share my art: I have always been an “I make art for myself” kind of person. I think this is fine, but living in Seattle has been inspiring to me. I want to show my work in pubic places and apply for every opportunity I can. I think concentrated rejection is important to get used to and any opportunity I get is a nice blessing.
- Make doctors appointment: I’m honestly have no clue how to make a doctors appointment and the idea of doing something wrong and getting charges hundreds of dollars to meet with a doctor for a few minutes scares the hell out of me, but I’m a few years over due on this specific item. I hate the thought of this goal but it’s a necessary and painful step forward in being a functioning adult.
I’m excited to see where I go with these goals through 2023. As a quick early check in, as of the first 2 months of February I have seen some success and some…baby steps? I’ve gotten my work in 3 gallery shows and attended countless events that benefit my personal growth goals around Seattle! I’ve also meal prepped more than half of the days this year so far, called a doctor (no appointment yet…), and I’ve exercises like…three times? While I haven’t hit my goals by any means, it’s better than nothing. You have to crawl before you can walk and you have to walk before you can run. Let’s just say I’m in my crawling phase.