An Artist’s Start
40 pieces, 13 shows, 8 galleries/local shops, 4 sales, and 1 special edition design. This year I achieved a major personal goal of showing artwork in physical spaces for the first time. There was a time in my life when I thought I would have to give up painting because it didn’t directly serve…
A Whole New Level of Respect
I’ve always been a “my work is never finished” kind of person. Incessant pestering over tiny details, never walking away, never being satisfied. Every time I put a painting down I say “good enough for now, I’ll revisit it in a few weeks.” And let me be clear, I have no idea what “finished”…
2023: Discomfort
2023 is all about taking a new approach to self growth. I want to push my limits and do things that initially sound awful but I know are ultimately good for me. It’s the “eat your vegetables” or “go to the gym” approach. Something about routine stresses me out. I like going with the…
2022: A Retrospective
Since 2019 I’ve selected a word of the year to guide my decisions and help me reach my goals. I like to express the mood of each theme through a design that correlates with my interpretation of the word. Each years word is informed by the previous years. Looking back at all these words…
5 Changes Universities Should Continue to Adopt Post Covid-19
Adopting paperless learning Throughout my time in school the push towards paperless learning has been slowly approaching however, many professors still adamantly insist paper submissions for homework, lab reports, and papers. We all also know this is a waste of paper and that campuses often fail to recycle correctly, so eliminating paper all together…
In the Room
Engineering as an industry is notably dominated by white males. It’s no secret. Despite going into this field fully aware of this, I was still shocked to find myself in a room full of white males on the first day of my first internship. I could’t ignore the glaring juxtaposition. I have a particular…
Quarantine Art
I’m making the best of my time by drawing at least once a day to keep myself busy! Stay clean out there boys.
Rollin’ Rotli
Ah yes, the infamous rotli discussion. My family act as if my ability to make the perfect rotli has a direct correlation with my prosperity, fertility, and ability to attract a mate. My grandmother went as far as to buy me mini rolling boards and velans (rolling pins) as a child in the hopes…