1. Adopting paperless learning

Throughout my time in school the push towards paperless learning has been slowly approaching however, many professors still adamantly insist paper submissions for homework, lab reports, and papers. We all also know this is a waste of paper and that campuses often fail to recycle correctly, so eliminating paper all together is a better solution. Covid-19 has finally forced this transition. All assignments are electronically summitted and nothing requires physical paper. Let’s keep this up!!! We have the potential to reduce a significant amount of waste AND reduce costs!

2. Recorded lectures

Recorded lectures allow students to go back and review materials for homework and reference lectures to study for exams. They come in handy when you sleep in, get sick, or have an emergency and can’t come to class. Currently, my university has asked all professors to record lectures, regardless of if the class is in person or online, so it is clearly a viable solution under normal circumstances as well. I get it – professors want students to physically come to class, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here.

3. Staying home when you are sick

I am a “100% attendance” kind of student. I once came to class immediately after surgery. I could have a terminal illness and I would probably still be in that front row taking notes. This mentality has recently come to a halt, and Covid-19 plays a huge part in this shift. If you feel sick, STAY HOME. It’s better for you and for everyone around you! Professors have been incredibly understanding and flexible since the pandemic, and I would love this compassionate behavior to continue beyond Covid-19.

4. Online events

I love attending lectures and seminars, but sometimes it just isn’t possible to get from one place to another! Online events have allowed me to attend conferences I never would have imagines going to. An event that records and shares its content is even better!

5. Increased digital adverting

I love a good flyer, but campuses are LITERED with paper advertising. Covid-19 has increased the use of digital advertisements and has promoted collaboration between student organization ten fold. Organizations are far more active with sharing one another’s events online, and this is a far more effective way for students who wish to get involved to find clubs to join and events to attend. Not to mention the potential to reduce paper waste on campus and encourage putting wall art or displays for student recognition in its place.